Parents Association Committee

The committee has various roles within the school and these are:-

  • To facilitate and promote communication between the parent body and the school management, including the Board of trustees, Headmaster, teachers and other staff.
  • To undertake specific projects to improve school facilities and promote the welfare of the school.
  • To raise money and receive donations for the above work.
  • To assist the school and staff in extramural and special functions.

We have recently completed the aquatic complex. We also completed the grandstand pavilion seating for the tennis courts. In past years the PAC have built the Music and Arts complex, the Tuck shop and various other facilities at the school.

Our fundraising happens throughout the year in the form of catering at sporting events by cooking and selling food and refreshments. We have four main fundraising events during the year over and above catering and these are:-

  • Sponsored Spell held in the first term
  • Family Fun Day held at end of July
  • Sponsored Walk held in the third term
  • PAC Golf day normally held in the third term

The PAC is always looking for willing and able parents to help partner us in our efforts to improve the school facilities.