Our History
From as early as 1987, a number of Christian men and women began discussing the idea of starting a Christian-based school in Harare. Now, 33 years on Gateway Primary School stands as a proud symbol of God’s Glory and His faithfulness in answering the prayers of these early Founding Members, whose vision and commitment has paid off for so many in the local community.
One of the most significant early players was Mrs Jan Kreft, who was tasked with organizing the structure based on the Vision of these early ‘pioneers.’ To oversee the school and assist Mrs Kreft with issues such as financing, the establishment of a legal framework, building and the hiring of staff, a Trust was formed, comprising of a number of professionals all of whom were dedicated to the idea of setting up a Christian school.

In 1988 the first class of the official Gateway Primary School opened. On the first day of term there was an enviable teacher pupil ratio – 3 teachers to 24 pupils. In the beginning teaching took place in temporary premises, namely the converted halls and foyers of the Greencroft Presbyterian Church. At this time the school doubled as a staffroom, sickbay, stockroom and general thoroughfare. A temporary wire mesh fence was erected around what was to become the playing field during that first year. The tiny playground had two small boulders in it that had to be carefully guarded to prevent children from running into them and injuring themselves.
But by 1989, as a testimony to God’s Grace, things were up considerably.
The number of pupils has increased to approximately 300, while the number of teachers had risen to 13, in addition there 3 permanent administrative staff and an Estate Manager (Mr Len Sileno).
And the continued development and growth of Gateway Primary is still evident today. In 2021, 33 years on, the school has over 600 pupils, 44 teachers, 6 administrative staff, 2 estate departments, 17 ground staff, 6 student teachers and 15 gap-years students. No mean achievement!